Know the Dangers

Your Brain On Alcohol

Click the circles to see how alcohol affects each area of the brain.

Frontal Lobe

Controls judgement, behavior, and emotion. Drinking can cause increased aggression, crying, and overall impaired judgement.

Prefrontal Cortex

Controls your body's reward system and regulates impulsive behavior, causing you to do things you normally wouldn't if you're under the influence of alcohol.


Stores memory, but will cause loss of memory while under the influence of alcohol.


Works with the primary motor cortex controlling movement, balance, and complex motor functions such as speech. Slows reaction time and decreases motor functions.


Controls heartbeats, breathing, and other functions. May slow or stop working altogether when drunk.

Reticular Activating System

Controls sleeping and waking. Alcohol depresses this system, causing you to black out/pass out.
Human Brain

Frontal Lobe

Controls judgement, behavior, and emotion. Drinking can cause increased aggression, crying, and overall impaired judgement.

Prefrontal Cortex

Controls your body's reward system and regulates impulsive behavior, causing you to do things you normally wouldn't if you're under the influence of alcohol..


Stores memory, but will cause loss of memory while under the influence of alcohol.


Works with the primary motor cortex controlling movement, balance, and complex motor functions such as speech. Slows reaction time and decreases motor functions.


Controls heartbeats, breathing, and other functions. May slow or stop working altogether when drunk.

Reticular Activating System

Controls sleeping and waking. Alcohol depresses this system, causing you to black out/pass out.

Your Body On Alcohol

Human Body

Click the circles to see how alcohol affects each area of the body.


Can damage the salivary glands and irritation of the mouth and tongue leading to gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss.


Complications with the heart (circulatory system ) include poisoning of the heart muscle cells, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure.


Causes inflammation of the liver which can lead to scarring known as cirrhosis - will potentially destroy liver, leaving toxins in the body. Liver disease is life-threatening.


Can cause pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas resulting from the production of toxins will interfere with proper functioning.


Ulcers and inflammation of stomach lining (gastritis) can occur.


Can damage the salivary glands and irritation of the mouth and tongue leading to gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss.


Complications with the heart (circulatory system ) include poisoning of the heart muscle cells, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of a stroke, heart attack, or heart failure.


Causes inflammation of the liver which can lead to scarring known as cirrhosis - will potentially destroy liver, leaving toxins in the body. Liver disease is life-threatening.


Can cause pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas resulting from the production of toxins will interfere with proper functioning.


Ulcers and inflammation of stomach lining (gastritis) can occur.

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